Wednesday, March 9, 2022





新约教会是世人称为灵恩派的教会。我们有传讲方言,受水浸,有灵恩医治,如马可福音十六章16-18 所记载。但是那时传统基督教却说我们是异端。


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

When you study the parables of Jesus, you’ll notice that many times Jesus told the stories in response to a question or statement someone was making to him. After all, parables are simply earthly stories with heavenly meanings. The same is true of the parable of the rich fool. Here it is in Luke 12:13-21:
“Someone in the crowd said to him, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.’ Jesus replied, ‘Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?’ Then he said to them, ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.’ And he told them this parable: ‘The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, ‘You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”
When I read this, the first thought that popped into my head was “Ouch!” These were some harsh words. What is important however is to look at this in context. With that in mind, I want to divide this parable into 2 thought groups. What Jesus is not saying, and what Jesus is saying.

What Jesus Is Not Saying

1. There is nothing sinful about acquiring wealth.
Money or wealth alone is not sinful. In fact, there is nothing wrong if you have money. Money or wealth does not determine how holy you are, neither is it a sign that God is with you or for you. The amount of money or possessions you have is not an indicator of whether God is pleased with you or not. After all, the sun rises on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45).
2. There is nothing wrong with saving for your future.
We live in a day and age where in order to retire from working, you have to save and plan for your future. You work today and save some of what you earn so that one day you can retire from work. This is perfectly ok and Jesus is not saying don’t do that.
3. You must work until you die and can never stop to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
This man had clearly done well for himself. He had an abundant crop which means he had to work hard to produce that crop. It is very rare to get great results from sloppy or lazy work. This man was probably diligent and disciplined and put in the time and effort required to get a harvest of that size.
In fact, if I was an employer, I might want this type of worker. When you work hard God has no problem with you enjoying the fruits of your labor. Luke 10:7 reminds us that the worker deserves his wages. This man had every right to benefit from the work he had done. So do you. If you work hard there is nothing wrong with taking some time to enjoy the results of your hard work. Take a vacation. Enjoy a good meal. Go to a Broadway show. Do something fun. It’s ok and God is perfectly fine with that.
With that being said, let’s now turn our attention to what Jesus is saying in this parable to bring some more truths to light.

What Jesus Is Saying

1. Be careful about greed.
As we stated earlier, Jesus had no problem with the man’s abundance. He had a problem with the man’s greed. Greed is one of those deceptive things because the man who has thinks he never has enough. Notice these two Scriptures:
“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 5:10).
“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry” (Colossians 3:5).
The problem this man faced was one of idolatry. His greed led him to put his trust and his worship into the amount or abundance of his possessions. He worshipped his wealth and that was one of his problems. So be careful about greed.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/cherrybeans
2. Money is deceptive.
One of the challenging things about having lots of money is that your wealth can create a false sense of security. It can blur the lines, giving you either a sense of entitlement or causing you not to recognize your need of God.
This man thought he had everything he needed in this life. However, in his thinking he forgot that what we see is temporary, what is unseen is eternal. His money blinded him to the reality of preparing for eternity. In other words, don’t just plan for life on this earth, make sure you are planning for your eternity.
3. Don’t be a hoarder.
Part of this man’s problem was that he had more than enough. He had so much that he ran out of room to store all that he had. At this point you might think he would say, I have more than I will ever need, who can I help with my abundance. Nope that’s not what he said. His answer was to build bigger barns.
His answer showed the selfish nature of his heart. He was only interested in his own blessing. It is important to recognize that when God blesses you, it’s not so you can keep it all to yourself. He blesses you so you can bless others. This man clearly forgot that.
4. Recognize your source.
This man thought that his abundance was simply a result of the work of his hands. He was blessed because he did the work. While the truth of him doing the work may be evident, he forgot that the one who gave him the ability to do the work was God. 
Remember, no matter how great you become at doing anything, your ability to accomplish did not come from you, it came from your creator. Your wisdom, talents, abilities and everything comes from him. He is your source.
5. There’s more to life.
The fascinating words of Jesus reminds us that there is more to this life than how much we have. In this season of life we are in, we are constantly reminded of this. Possessions can be gone in an instant.
The tragedy of this man’s life was that he spent it acquiring possessions. He never got to fully enjoy those possessions because his life ended before he could enjoy them. As you consider life, recognize that how much you have does not determine the quality or enjoyment you will experience in this life.
I remember hearing this quote: A man was praying and asked God to give him all things so he could enjoy life. God said I will give you life so you can enjoy all things. Understand there is more to this life.
To sum up this parable I think it is fitting to use Jesus’ own words from Matthew 6:19-21:
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Noted :This was copied for sharing
             from daily bible study.

Thursday, August 30, 2012



罗7:24  我真是苦啊 !谁能救我脱离这取死的生体呢 ?
          25  感谢 神,靠着我们的主耶稣基督就能脱离了。

我们彼此勉励 !





Thursday, March 22, 2012


然而过多吸取 EPA/DHA也有害,会妨碍凝血及免疫功能失调。

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

上帝 的聲音

想要了解 神在今天如何對我們說話,可从過往祂如何說話,祂是如何讓那些信心偉人清楚聽見祂的聲音的经历来了解。


其次, 神也會透過祂的話語說話,包括十誡和摩西律法,這些文字記錄讓人得以明白並順服 神 的旨意(出二十1-26)。

有時候 神還會透過環境與人溝通。譬如,基甸在聽見 神說話時心裏非常害怕,需要 神給「額外的鼓勵」(士六36-40)。仁慈的 神應允他所求,再次用實質的證據顯明祂自己。
神有時會透過天使或聖靈對人說話(太一19-21;徒十六1-7)。此外, 神的聲音有時會讓人的耳朵可以聽見,保羅在往大馬色的路上的得救經驗便是最佳例子。

神透過種種方式一再向祂的兒女保證,祂會關心他們、隨時有 神的同在。這也是我們迫切需要的信息。雖然 神不一定會用同样方式來與我們溝通,但我們曉得,只要願意順服聆聽,祂永遠會透過祂的話語說話。

约 翰 一 书 1 John

你 们 从 主 所 受 的 恩 膏 , 常 存 在 你 们 心 里 , 并 不 用 人 教 训 你 们 。 自 有 主 的 恩 膏 在 凡 事 上 教 训 你 们 。 这 恩 膏 是 真 的 , 不 是 假 的 。 你 们 要 按 这 恩 膏 的 教 训 , 住 在 主 里 面 。

你 们 要 住 在 主 里 面 。 这 样 , 他 若 显 现 , 我 们 就 可 以 坦 然 无 惧 。 当 他 来 的 时 候 , 在 他 面 前 也 不 至 于 惭 愧 。

Thursday, March 10, 2011

细述弱碱水,您有意见吗 ?






天然弱碱水富含硼、锌、硒、铬等离子矿物和微量元素,这些微量元素呈离子状态,更易被人体吸收;有理想的 pH值。天然弱碱水 pH值呈弱碱性,对传输氧气,调节新陈代谢,排除酸性废物和预防疾病是必要的。

据说:人体酸性化是万病之源,当酸素在体内越来越多,不断堆积,量变引起质变,疾病就会产生。 医学证明,人体最理想的体质应该是一个中性偏碱度。日本著名医学博士柳泽文正做过一个实验:找100个癌症患者抽血检查,结果100个癌症患者的血液,都呈酸性,也就是酸性体质。  



  据说(三)西太平洋的斐济,人口60多万,这个国家没有癌症患者。人均寿命长,被称为“无癌国”和“长寿国”。 他们的饮用水都呈弱碱性。

人体内的正常酸碱度(即PH值)在7.35-7.45之间。由于人体通过肾脏和呼吸作用进行酸碱平衡调节,因此正常情况下体内PH值是恒定的;但由于空气污染、肉食饮食习惯和工作压力的增大,现代人体质偏酸,易引起疲劳和亚健康 据说,世界上80%的人是亚健康,酸性体质,10%是极度酸性体质,只有10%是酸碱平衡,属健康体质。所以有人建议饮用弱碱水可改善体质,预防疾病。饮用有一定硬度并含有一定量的溶解性固体的PH值偏碱性的井水或自来水,对人体健康有益。“人体血液的酸碱度,可以通过饮食来改善。好水能给人体提供碱性物质,可以有效的帮助人体酸碱平衡。”  


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today's Preaching

Extraction from Daily Preaching:
Today's Preaching Insight...

Preaching God's Story, asks: "What would it mean to let the gospel be your guide in preaching? We must come back to the question, what is the gospel? First and foremost, the gospel is God's action, God's story, God's saving initiative toward the world which he has created. It bears repeating: the gospel is God's story.
To preach the gospel, then, means sentences in which God is the subject of active verbs. Beginning with accounts in Genesis and moving through the book of Revelation, it's easy to make quite a list of all that God does: God speaks, creates, judges, calls, sends, saves, delivers, feeds, clothes, promises, loves, shows mercy and kindness, does justice, and so on. To preach the gospel is to proclaim the accounts of the Scriptures in light of the fact that their central character is God, and that the gospel is from God and about the God who is Father, Son, and Spirit.

On John 11, the raising of Lazarus. The story is the climactic "sign" in the Gospel of John testifying to Jesus' identity as the resurrection and the life. Jesus' sign of raising the dead bears witness to the glory of God, that is, to the power of God to give life to the dead through Jesus. The preacher told the story, leading up to the dramatic moment when Jesus calls out, "Lazarus, come forth!" This story is one that embodies the gospel in all its simplicity—the power of Jesus, the one sent by God, and his word to give life. But, apparently feeling it inadequate, the preacher added, "And now Lazarus had to make a decision." It is, of course, a ludicrous picture: a dead man deciding whether or not to obey the word of Jesus! But the turn of this sermon illustrates something pernicious in much modern preaching: it is so easy to make the most powerful of Gospel stories center on human action and not on God, to think that somehow our actions, our decisions, are the heart and center of the gospel story. To make that move is to sell out the gospel."